Welcome Prof. Mouquan Shen from Nanjing Tech University to be the Conference General Chair !
Welcome Prof. Mouquan Shen from Nanjing Tech University to be the Conference General Chair !


Prof. Mouquan Shen,Nanjing Tech University,China

Mouquan Shen is a professor at the School of Electrical Engineering and Control Science, Nanjing University of Technology, doctoral supervisor, deputy director of the Professor's Committee, and leader of the Intelligent Optimization Control and Decision Team for Complex Systems. Post-doctor at Southeast University, visiting scholar at overseas universities such as the University of Hong Kong, Lingnan University in South Korea, and the University of Adelaide in Australia. He presided over more than 10 projects such as the National Natural Science Foundation of China. In recent years, more than 100 papers have been published in journals such as the IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control、IEEE Transactions on Cybernetics and IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics: Systems, H-index is 24, including 3 ESI hot topic papers and 8 ESI highly cited papers. Currently serving as the editor in chief, Associate Editor, or editorial board member of 12 international journals, including Journal of Systems and Control Engineering, and serving as a reviewer for over 80 domestic and international journals, including IEEE TAC and Automatica. Also serving as a corresponding reviewer for the National Natural Science Foundation of China and multiple provincial and municipal science and technology projects.

沈谋全,南京工业大学电气工程与控制科学学院教授、博士生指导教师、教授委员会副主任、复杂系统智能优化控制与决策团队带头人。东南大学博士后,香港大学、韩国岭南大学和澳大利亚阿德莱德大学等境外高校访问学者。主持国家自然科学基金、国家外专局高端外专和江苏省自然科学基金等省部级以上项目 10 余项。近年来,在 IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control、IEEE Transactions on Cybernetics 和 IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics: Systems 等期刊发表论文 100 余篇、H 指数 24,其中 ESI 热点论文3 篇和 ESI 高被引8 篇。目前担任 Journal of Systems and Control Engineering等12 个国际期刊主编、Associate Editor 或编委,是IEEE TAC、Automatica 等 80 余种国内外期刊审稿人,也是国家自然科学基金和多个省市科技项目通讯评审人。